RAMGroup are a manufacturing organisation which operates in the material supply sector of the construction industry. Our expertise covers street furniture manufacture. The Company takes a responsible interest in the environmental impact of its business activities and aims to contribute to environmental improvement and sustainable development.
In all projects in which it is involved, RAMGroup seeks to act in accordance with good practice, preserving and where possible, enhancing the quality of the environment.
Where the company is involved in the design or promotion of new products, it regards their Environmental impact as a prime consideration and will work closely with its supply chain and clients as appropriate, to develop good environment practices and solutions.
The board of RAMGroup is committed to continual improvement of Company environmental performance and to prevention of pollution; it is committed to adopting appropriate management systems to fulfil statutory obligations and to ensure liaison and cooperation with appropriate authorities.
The Company’s Environmental Policy is the direct responsibility of the Board of Directors and will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policy remains relevant to the Company.
Environmental Management Representatives appointed by the Managing Director have overall responsibility and authority for environmental matters.
The Company is committed to ensuring all operations are carried out in compliance with all applicable legal, and other, requirements related to the Company’s environmental aspects: regulations, corporate directives, codes of practice and appropriate customer specifications. RAM Perimeter Protection Ltd Environmental Policy Statement RAMGroup aims to:
- Produce environmental action plans with realistic and achievable targets, which are appropriate to business circumstances, it will monitor, review and update these plans annually.
- Use resources efficiently and take opportunities to minimize waste through re-use and re-cycling.
- Actively involve employees and ensure appropriate training is given to raise awareness and provide an appreciation of environmental issues.
- The policy is the direct concern of all employees and management shall communicate and consult with employees on environmental issues.
The policy shall be communicated to everyone working for or on behalf of the company.