The Company is committed to developing and maintaining working environments and practices, which ensure equality of opportunity in both the recruitment and advancement of staff. Discriminatory attitudes or behavior, whether racist, sexist or any other kind, are unacceptable at any time and will be dealt with by the necessary disciplinary procedure.
Commitment to equal opportunities is a requirement by all employees. Recruitment procedures are applied equally to internal and external applicants. The Managing Director will monitor these procedures and practices as a priority. All staff will have a genuinely equal opportunity to progress within the company, including the opportunity to participate in related training to develop their full potential.
We are committed to providing services which are relevant, attractive and accessible to all those who might wish to use them. The company is required to be fully aware of their responsibilities in this respect and to ensure that the systems of recruitment or referral to our services do not operate to exclude or discourage participation. Furthermore, that any scheme or project is welcoming and attractive to all potential participants.
These aims are priority in the provision of Leverage Solution Limited and the allocation of resources. Monitoring of all services is carried out in order to identify any inequalities in content or participation and to determine the steps needed to rectify them. This includes attention to publicity, environmental and referral processes and the links with outside
organizations and individuals involved in the provision of our services.
Every effort is made to ensure that in maintaining these links, our policies and priorities are not compromised. We are willing to communicate our equal opportunities policy to minority organizations, in the attempt to develop further strategies in the ongoing insurgency against discrimination. The company subsequently supports the development of such
minority organizations, which advocate anti-discriminatory practice and equal opportunities promotion.
The Equal Opportunities Policy is the responsibility of every member of staff to apply. Its application is also required from people who work with the company in providing our services but who are not our staff. Those who hold management, supervisory or other senior positions in the organization have additional and particular responsibilities to ensure the effectiveness of its application and the commitment of all staff and others to it.